5 Steps To Build Your Own Professional/Personal Website – Complete Tutorial.
A website is a place where one can inform others for a particular thing or could provide a particular service or could even earn from it. I will be talking of money later in my next post.
So if you are here, you really want to set your website up.
Caution: Read whole article before starting your own!
Lets get our hands dirty.
Step 1. Register for a Domain Name service.
Domain name is something like yourname.com or like shashwatblogs.in . It is identifier of any website. So you could get that in 2 ways:
A. While signing up for web hosting ( in Step 2) you could get your own domain like yourname.hostingsite.com but that would add extra dots and makes even hard to remember. So I would prefer for option B.But if you do like this option go to step 2.
B. You could get your own domain name at various Domain name provider websites . One of my favourite is http://dot.tk which provide you yourname.tk which is much shorter than what other hosting websites provides.
Follow Image for signing up for http://dot.tk
Cons in going for free domain:
Some of the domain names get blacklisted by search engines. Like in case of .tk domain you need to add more SEO(search engine optimization technique) to get listed. I will explain later in this article about how you can do this.
Step 2. Register a for a free web hosting.
Web hosting servers are kind of computers placed elsewhere, which you are allowed to use . For a free web server you will get a limited storage around 1GB but that’s huge if your website does not have media files to keep. It also provide Mysql database storage though very less (around 5 MB) but that’s okay to start your first website.
Now take a look before signing up that what are getting in available hosting because one could provide more space but could fool you in providing bandwidth.
Pros of free web Hosting:
- It is Free.
- It support php.
- It support Mysql database.
- It should have around more GB bandwidth/month (Bandwidth is the total upload download you could make from your server).
Cons of free web hosting:
Web hosting providers give various users on same server . So heavy load on one server could affect the others too.
So your website could be down for some time or even for hours depending on load on your server.
Step 3. Point your Domain Name to your hosting website and provide the same domain to your hosting website. (It will not be needed if you want to choose for default domain name service like yourname.cozme.com)
This step is very important, so follow instruction correctly
Go to Your Domain Panel In Domain Provider (say http://dot.tk ) and login there. You will See a window like Below
Click On Domain Panel>> click on Domain you signed up for in step 1. In my case it is shashwatblogs.tk
on Clicking on your domain you will see following page:
Follow the instruction in the image. In case if you signed up for http://000webhost.com you have to use ns01.000webhost.com and ns02.000webhost.com but for 5gbfree.com it might be different like NS1.5gbfree.com and NS2.5gbfree.com (you can search this in FAQ on web hosting sites). Click On save changes.
Now go to your hosting website like in my case it is http://000webhost.com and sign in there with member area section.
Step 4: Setting up Ftp (File Transfer Protocol)
Go To cpanel in your List of domains.
Now Download a ftp manager called Filezilla (click here to download 4-5 MB) . You can also use File Manager to upload files .But i recommend you to download it because managing and uploading multiple files are easy to handle with software mentioned.
Open filezilla click on File>> Site Manager>> Follow image Instruction
You will See a window Like below after you click on connect button.
CMS or Content Management Service is a service that provides a Gui Mode for selecting your website theme and various customization. I recommend you to use a good CMS Software which should be full featured and manages all your data.
There are various CMS Softwares which you can use to maintain your website. Some Of them are
- Joomla (Go to Official Website Here)
- WordPress (Go to Official Website Here)
- Drupal (Go to Official Website Here)
- SilverStripe (Go to official Website here)
Go There and download its zip file . Extract to a folder (say Desktop named as joomla)
Now Go to Your FileZilla Software
open up joomla directory on local files as shown in picture and public_html/ on server side. Now Select all files inside joomla folder and drap n drop in server directory on server.
Wait for completing upload. If there is prompt to over-write select queue overwriting (as uploading could sometime may interrupt in the middle and so it should be again uploaded {softwares will handle it all})
In case of failed uploading of some files >> go to failed tab (at the bottom of software) and select all files there and requeue n process them all.
After Upload is complete. Go to your domain. say yourname.tk it will open as like below
A. Database details ::
Remember you opened up your cpanel in your hosting site. go there again and click on php my admin and add a new database there and create password there.
Now enter the information on configuration of your website on yourdomain.tk (say). After completing entries you will be redirected to your dashboar from where you can easily customize or add pages or create posts.
Thats All….
Have Fun with your website !!! Please Comment if you like this article !!!
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